CIANJUR - Personnel from the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satnarkoba) of the Cianjur Police, West Java, arrested an employee of the JJ Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI)Daop 2 Bandung FS (30) when he was about to pick up a package of methamphetamine in Ciranjang Village, Ciranjang District.

Kasatnarkoba Cianjur Police AKP Septian Pratama said the arrest of the KAI employee who served in Cianjur began with reports from residents who were suspicious of the perpetrators' movements who wanted to take a package of methamphetamine hidden in cigarette packs.

"Regarding the report, we sent members to the location who saw a man riding a motorbike back and forth at a location near the elementary school building," he said.

Not long after, the man took a cigarette pack that was thrown over the back of the school, finding that the officers immediately made arrests, the arrested perpetrators did not move.

After a search was carried out from the perpetrator's pocket, it was found that a cigarette pack containing a package of methamphetamine weighing 4.75 grams was suspected of being circulated to a number of users in Cianjur, while from the perpetrator's bag it was found a jacket that reads JJ Daop 2 Bandung.

"We just found out that the suspect, an employee of PT KAI, after searching his bag, found a jacket that reads JJ Daop 2 Bandung, the results of the investigation by the perpetrator officers wanted to resell the illicit goods to a number of users in Cianjur," he said.

Currently, the suspect is still undergoing investigation at the Cianjur Police Narcotics Unit, for development and arresting a large dealer who supplies methamphetamine to the suspect, where his party has pocketed his identity.

The suspect will be charged under Article 114 paragraph 1 Juncto Article 112 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

Meanwhile, FS is an honorary employee for the maintenance of the Cianjur railway line, which has worked for years at PT KAI, admitted that this was the first time he had circulated methamphetamine because it was previously only a user.

"I was offered to take the methamphetamine package in the Ciranjang area, to be broken down into several small packages and sold in Cianjur, from one small package I was given a profit of IDR 750 thousand," he said.

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