Bogor City Police, West Java Police, arrested three perpetrators of motor vehicle theft (curanmor) who often act in the City and Regency areas of Bogor. Head of the Bogor City Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Lutfi Olot Gigantara, revealed that the three perpetrators who were arrested each had the initials NS, O and AH. Two of the three perpetrators had to be shot by the police in the leg for resisting and trying to escape when arrested. "Our two perpetrators took decisive action, one person fled and another person fought the officers," said Lutfi in Bogor City, Antara, Wednesday, July 12. Lutfi explained that the first perpetrator, NS, was arrested in the Sindangbarang Village area on June 7, 2024. The perpetrator is a resident of Bandung who works as a security officer. "From the results of the examination, NS perpetrators carried out actions moving from place to place, using the T key to launch the action. Then the plan is that the proceeds of this crime will be sold through social media Facebook,” he said. The second perpetrator, namely O, said Lutfi, was arrested on June 9, 2024. This perpetrator has been on the wanted list (DPO) and has been in action for the crime since 2018. In fact, he said, perpetrator O was a recidivist in 2007 for fraud in Paledang Village, Bogor City and was free from prison. However, O returned to commit a crime. "To the police, O admitted that he had acted in several areas of Bogor City and Regency. In Bogor City there have been five locations and Bogor Regency eight locations," he said. From the proceeds of the crime of perpetrator O, said Lutfi, it will be sold to the Babakan Madang area, at a price of around Rp. 1.5 million-Rp. 2 million. "We are still developing to the area looking for proceeds for vehicles sold from perpetrators of O,” he said. The last perpetrator with the initials AH was arrested in Bantarjati Village, Bogor City on June 10, 2024. The perpetrator AH admitted that he had committed three motorcycle thefts in Bogor City and Tangerang. "The result of AH's crime was sold to another perpetrator with the initials I at a price of Rp. 2.5 million and then sold again to A who fled when he was about to be arrested," he said.
According to Lutfi, the perpetrators were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a weighted penalty of a maximum sentence of nine years in prison.

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