JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirmed that fugitive Harun Masiku was being pursued. Investigators are investigating the whereabouts of the former KPU commissioner.

This was conveyed by the KPK Spokesperson Team Budi Prasetyo in response to the belief that Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Alexander Marwata, Harun will be arrested next week. This statement was made after holding a hearing (RDP) at the DPR RI on Tuesday, June 11.

"The investigative team is certainly still gathering from various information and information from a series of examinations," Budi told reporters quoted on Wednesday, June 12.

Budi ensured that investigators did not only rely on the testimony of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, who was already a witness on Monday, June 10.

"But also the information and information from the examination of previous witnesses, including three witnesses who have been examined by the KPK," he said.

As previously reported, KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata emphasized that the search for Harun Masiku, who is still at large, was not related to political affairs. All leaders are certain to have no interest.

"Actually, it has nothing to do with it, because the leadership itself did not get there. No one contacted a single leader between the four. And I have asked if there was an order from anyone outside?, 'Nothing, Mr. Alex'. This is just normative," Alexander told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 11.

Alexander revealed that currently his party is continuing to examine witnesses to find Harun. "Hopefully in one week you will be arrested. Hopefully," he said.

He said this belief arose because his subordinates were said to be starting to find a bright spot. However, Alexander did not want to talk further.

"I think there are indications that the location of Harun Masiku is known by the investigators," Alexander concluded.

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