NATUNA - Anambas Islands Resort Police (Polres), Riau Islands arrested one suspected perpetrator of fraud who cost his victim up to Rp1.1 billion.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Anambas Islands Police, Iptu Rio Ardian, through a statement received in Natuna, Tuesday said the alleged perpetrator had the initials AS (28).

The US was arrested in Pontianak, West Kalimantan on Wednesday (5/6).

After being arrested, he continued, the team conducted an examination and collected evidence at the South Pontianak Police.

After the examination on (8/6) the US was taken to Batam City by air transportation and was briefly kept in Batam for two days, which then on Tuesday (11/6) AS was taken to the Anambas Islands Police using sea transportation.

"Jatanras Satreskrim Polres Kepulauan Anambas yang dipimpin oleh Aipda H. Sembiring bersama dengan Tim Resmob Polda Kalimantan Barat melakukan upaya paksa penangkapan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana penipuan di sebuah rumah rentahan yang berada di Komplek Jamrud Karya Jl. Karya No.5, RT 109 RW 18, Pal IX, Pontianak Kalimantan Barat," ucap dia.

Rio explained that the fraud incident was carried out by the US in 2018-2023 with various tricks that entered the victim and US arrests based on reports from victims after feeling they were deceived.

"The Rp1,125,673,000 money, with several shipments by transfer to various accounts given by the perpetrator (from 2018-2023)," he said.

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