Pati Police, Central Java, named seven suspects in the case of a fight between two youth groups on Jalan Sukolilo-Prawoto, Prawoto Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency which resulted in the death of one person. "Of the seven suspects, three of them are from the ABCD group and four are from the Hening Village," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pati Police, Kompol M. Alfan Armin in Pati, Antara, Monday, June 10. A person who died came from the ABCD group with the initials WG (21). There are allegations that the victim was RS (15) from Hening Village who was a resident of Undaan Village, Kudus Regency. The cause of the victim WG (21) died from being stuck with a sickle that penetrated the lungs and heart, resulting in bleeding. Knowing that one of the victims died, the two groups ran away from the duel location. In addition to securing seven people, the police also secured seven motorbikes, 10 sharp weapons, the victim's clothes, and 11 mobile phones. He revealed that the fight started when the two groups challenged each other to a duel via social media Instagram. On Friday (7/6) at around 17.00 WIB the Kampung Hening group challenged the ABCD Group and agreed to a fight at the border location between Jalan Sukolilo-Prawoto in Prawoto Village, Sukolilo District. From the Hening Village Group carrying a group of more than 10 people riding motorbikes and carrying sharp weapons, while from the ABCD Group at the scene at 00.15 WIB. The two groups had a duel.
For his actions, one perpetrator violated Article 340 of the Criminal Code and Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 20 years, while the other six suspects were subject to Emergency Law Number 12/1951 for carrying sharp weapons without rights.

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