YOGYAKARTA Habibie's profile is being discussed after he was recommended by the Nasdem Party to run as a candidate for governor and deputy governor in the West Java regional head election (Pilkada).

It is known, on Thursday, June 6, 2024, the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, submitted a letter of recommendation to Ilham Akbar Habibie to run for the 2024 West Java Pilkada.

"Bung Ilham, today the NasDem Party DPP has appointed you as a candidate for governor or deputy governor for West Java Province in the Pilkada, which God willing, will take place in November," said Surya at Nasdem Tower, Menteng, Central Jakarta.

Surya Paloh has not yet decided whether Ilham will be promoted as a candidate for governor or deputy governor candidate. This will be determined after NasDem formed a coalition of refugees with other political parties (political parties) in the strategic province.

So, what is the figure of Ilham Habibie like? Check out the full information below.

Ilham Akbar Habibie is the first son of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie with Hasri Ainun. He was born in Aachen, West Germany on May 16, 1963. Just like his father, Ilham jiga, is a German graduate flight engineer.

In childhood, Ilham studied elementary and secondary school at Elementary School Windmuehlenweg and High School Hochrad, Germany.

Adapted from Habibie Center's official website, Ilham received a bachelor's degree and master's degree in aviation engineering at the Technical University of Munich with cum laude predicate.

Next, Ilham continued his master's education in business administration at the University of Chicago and earned a doctorate at the Technical University of Munich.

Similar to BJ Habibie, Ilham also has a great interest in aviation. This can be seen from his professional career starting from the company Boeing in 1994-1996.

After working in Boeing, Iham was trusted as Marketing Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia. this company is known to have built an N-250 aircraft.

In 2022, Ilham resigned from PT Dirgantara Indonesia because he had to lead the family company, Ilthabi Rekatama.

To be able to visit Ilthabi Rekatama, Ilham studied management science at the School of Business, University of Chicago in Singapore in 2003.

At that time, BJ Habibie was also planning the design of his aircraft. Habibie collaborated with Ilham as chairman of the aircraft developer Company named Regio Aviasi Industri (RAI).

Quoted from the Asian Tatler page, RAI managed to develop a regional aircraft for Indonesia, called the R-80. This aircraft uses two turboprop engines and is designed to serve passengers.

Not only successful with RAI, Ilham also pursues investment in natural resources, manufacturing, technology, health and banking through Ilthabi Rekatama.

In the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), Ilham was appointed as the Chief Executive of the National Information and Communication Technology Council (ICT). His job is to review and formulate policies related to the development of information and communication technology in 2014.

In addition, Ilham also believes to be the Chair of the Presidium of the Indonesian Muslim Cendekiawan Association (ICMI) for the 2010-2015 period.

Now, Ilham serves as Chair of the ICMI 2021-2026 Expert Council and is active as Chairman of the Habibie Center Board of Trustees, an independent research center that focuses on advances in technology, democracy, and human rights.

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