The Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim arrested one perpetrator of theft of electronic goods specialists in the Sukabumi area, West Java, including two goods collectors. "We arrested the three suspected perpetrators in two different locations in the Sukabumi City area on Saturday and Sunday," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo in Sukabumi, Antara, Monday, June 10. According to information gathered from the police, suspect DW (57) was arrested in Cipanengah Village, Sindangsari Village, Lembursitu District on Saturday, June 8. acts as an electronics thief, including a laptop and cell phone. Then two other suspects CH (54) and S (35) were arrested on Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani, Gang Nugraha, Cikole District on Sunday, June 9. Both are collectors of stolen goods from suspect DW. Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sukabumi City Police, AKP Bagus Panuntun, added that DW is a wanted list (DPO) that has long been the target of operations, while CH and S are not the target of the 2024 Lodaya Libas Operation. The disclosure of this weighted theft case, he said, began with a report by a victim with the initials IM (44), a resident of Jalan Sriwedari, Sriwedari Village, Gunungpuyuh District who was the victim of theft at his home at the end of December 2023. "We also confiscated evidence of the proceeds of the crime, namely a laptop and cell phone from the hands of the suspects. Until now, the three of them are still being questioned by the Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim investigators," he added. Bagus said the suspect DW was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a weight that carries a maximum prison sentence of seven years. Meanwhile, CH and S were charged with Article 480 of the Criminal Code concerning the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of four years.
He also appealed to the public to always be aware of various crimes that can occur and happen to anyone. If you know of any disturbances in public order to immediately report to service 110 or through the Report of the Police-SIAP MAS at 0811654110 and if you become a victim of a crime to report to his party so that the case is immediately handled.

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