SURABAYA - Brigadier Fadhilatun Nikmah (FN), a policewoman who burned her husband, Brigadier Rian Dwi Wicaksono (RDW), has become a suspect. Brigadier FN is a Mojokerto City Policewoman, while Brigadier RDW is a member of the Jombang Police. Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police Kombes Pol. Dirmanto explained the chronology of the policewoman burning her husband starting from an argument triggered by the family's economy. The incident occurred when the victim came home from the office and was involved in a quarrel with the suspect, who made a mistake and then poured gasoline on the victim's face and body. After the incident, the suspect Briptu FN and neighbors tried to flee the victim to the Mojokerto City Hospital. The perpetrator also apologized to the victim for the mistake he made. "After the incident, FN had the responsibility to help the victim by escaping him to the hospital and FN apologized to his husband for his behavior," he said. Dirmanto said, the victim of Brigadir RDW died at 12.54 WIB at Wahidin Sudirohudodo Hospital, Mojokerto City. Dirmanto said from the results of the case title while the investigators of the Sub-Directorate of Renakta Ditreskrimum Polda East Java named Brigadier FN as a suspect by implementing Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence (PKDRT).

"For Brigadier FN, the suspect has been named. Meanwhile, we are still applying the articles of domestic violence, domestic violence," he said. Determination of this suspect based on the results of the crime scene processing and the case title carried out by the East Java Regional Police. After the determination of the suspect, Brigadier FN was immediately detained at the East Java Regional Police. Dirmanto said that the East Java Regional Police also officially took over the case.

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