Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Cianjur Police, AKP Tono Listianto, said the case of the attack on the group of the art group wayang golek Giri Harja 3 Putra Ki Dalang Yogaswara Sunandar by a group of people in Balegede Village, Naringgul District, ended peacefully. The results of the investigation, the incident began when a group of art groups returned from Sukabumi across the Naringgul Ciwidey route, Thursday, June 6 afternoon. "The group was blocked by the road closure because there was a road repair work involving the perpetrator as a guard officer, the victim tried to ask questions regarding the closure and asked to open the road, but the perpetrator answered in a harsh tone," said Tono Listianto when contacted in Cianjur, Antara, Sunday, June 9. The perpetrator had pushed the victim until he almost fell. The victim's colleague who saw the action reprimanded the perpetrator. Unfortunately, he answered in a ketus tone and left. The victim and his partner returned to the location of the truck that was parked in the middle of the road because they were waiting for the line to be reopened. While resting, the perpetrator and a number of his friends came to the group carrying sharp weapons and other weapons. "The perpetrator had time to leave and then came again with his friends carrying sharp weapons and other weapons. The perpetrator immediately approached the victim's group and attacked him, the victim's friend tried to intervene but also became a victim with injuries due to being hit by a sharp weapon," said Tono. The perpetrator can be secured by the authorities shortly after the attack took place.
"However, both of them agreed to resolve the problem through deliberation, the problem was resolved with restorative justice, so the case was closed because it had been resolved," he said.

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