JAKARTA - In the last 12 months the air temperature has been ranked the hottest in the year-on-year comparison record, the European Union's climate change monitoring agency said.

UN Secretary-General Antulio Guterres previously called for immediate handling of global warming, an action to avoid climate cheaming'.

The global average temperature over the period 12 months until the end of May was 1.63 degrees Celsius, making it the hottest period since recording began in 1940.

The average in 12 months does not mean the world has exceeded the global warming threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, which describes an average temperature for decades.

If it goes beyond, scientists warn of a more extreme and irreversible impact.

In a separate report, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said there is currently a possibility of 80 percent, at least one in the next five years will mark the first calendar year with an average temperature that temporarily exceeds 1.5 degrees Celsius above the previous temperature. industry levels - up from a 66 percent chance last year.

Speaking of these findings, UN Secretary-General Ant Totalio Guterres stressed how quickly the world is heading in the wrong direction and unable to stabilize its climate system.

"In 2015, the possibility of such a violation was close to zero," Guterres said in a speech on World Environment Day.

As time to turn things around running low, Guterres urged a 30 percent reduction in global fossil fuel production and use by 2030.

We need a way out of the highway to climate hell, he said, adding: Perjuangan untuk mencapai suhu 1.5 derajat akan ada kemenang atau kalahnya pada 2020an.

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