JAKARTA - The grandson of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) Andi Tenri said Radisyah Melati is said to often exchange foreign currency or foreign currency. The source is from a mining company run with his colleagues. This was conveyed by Indira Chunda Thita Syahrul or Thita who is the biological mother of Tenri and SYL's child. It started when Ida Member Judge Ayu Mustikawati confirmed the statement of Thita's personal assistant, Nur Habibah Al Majid about Tenri who often exchanged dollars. “ Nur Habibah's statement related to dollar exchanges, did you know? ” asked Judge Ida during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, June 5. “ Ever heard of Your Majesty,” replied Thita. Then, Judge Idan began to explore the source of Tenri's money. This is because foreign exchange is not only done once or twice. “Karena Nur Habibah menyatakan bahwa saudara meminta ‘ kenapa Bibi bertukar-exchange uang dolar terus’, pernah tidak seperti itu?” tanya Hakim "Once,” replied Thita. “Do you know where the money came from? “ said Hakim. “Tahu,” replied the SYL kid. Thita then said that the source of the money was from the mining business. Where, Tenri has a company run with his colleagues. " “ Bibi has a business with his friends," said Thita. "What business? ” asked Judge Ida asserted. "There is a gathering at the mine,” said Thita. “ Did you know that? ” asked Judge Ida to make sure.
"I just heard from my son," said Thita.

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