YOGYAKARTA The Indonesian House of Representatives finally ratified the Mother and Child Welfare Bill on the First Phase of Life to become the KIA Law. The law does not only regulate the right to leave for maternity for 6 months for mothers, but also states that husbands are on leave when their wives give birth so that they can assist.

The ratification of the Maternal and Child Welfare Bill as a Law by the DPR was carried out through a plenary meeting held at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Tuesday, June 4.

Please note, the KIA Law is a rule on Maternal and Child Welfare in the first phase of 1,000 days of life, from a child to a fetus in the womb to the age of two years.

In the KIA Law, it is regulated that not only is the right to leave for the wife who gives birth, it is also regulated that the husband of the wife gets leave to accompany the process of giving birth to her wife. Leave obtained by the husband is given to support the role of the father and husband in the child's growth and development.

Although the wife who gave birth was allowed to take a maximum of six months off, her husband was only allowed leave to accompany the wife who gave birth for a maximum of three days. This rule is as stated in Article 6 paragraphs 1 and 2.

Paragraph 1 states that husband and family have the right to accompany their wife who has just or is undergoing childbirth. Meanwhile, in paragraph 2 it is stated that the husband has the right to take two days off and a maximum of three days to be able to accompany his wife in the process of giving birth.

Husbands are also entitled to two days off to accompany their wives who are in the process of having a miscarriage.

"The husband as referred to in paragraph (1) has the right to leave his wife's assistance on: a. delivery period, for 2 (two) days and can be given no later than 3 (three) the following day or in accordance with the agreement," reads Article 6 Paragraph 2.

"When experiencing a miscarriage, for 2 (two) days," reads Article 6 Paragraph 2 letter b.

Husbands not only get the right to leave to accompany the process of giving birth to their wives, the right to leave is given to their husbands when their wives or children experience health problems.

This right will also be given to the wife or child who turns out to have died, as regulated in Article 6 paragraph 3.

But it should be remembered that while taking leave, husbands are obliged to maintain the health of their children and wives, provide nutritious food, and assist them in order to get health facilities according to standards. This is as explained in paragraph 4.

That's information regarding the rules for husbands to take leave when their wives give birth. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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