The Eugene Museum, which is scheduled to open in 2026, will become a permanent art museum located in Nuanu, Bali, Indonesia. This monumental initiative is a collaboration between Nuanu and Japanese-American artist Eugene Kangawa, with Indonesia's leading architect Andra Matin.

Covering an area of more than one hectare, the museum will cover 3.000-meter squares with more than 15 gallery rooms, cafes, libraries, and reading rooms. In addition to serving as an exhibition space, the Eugene Museum aims to become a center for education, research, and community involvement with a strong emphasis on social participation.

Eugene Museum represents an important milestone in Nuanu's commitment to contribute and form the arts and cultural landscapes of Bali and Indonesia. By integrating world-class art and innovative architectural design, Nuanu aims to create a cultural exchange center and artistic excellence. This museum not only increases Nuanu's cultural offerings but also strengthens its role as a leader in promoting and supporting art.

Kangawa is grateful for the enthusiasm of various communities and collectors from Indonesia and abroad, who proposed and supported the realization of Eugene Museum, and will become a permanent home for her work. 'Nusantara'.

"It refers to the archipelago in Indonesian, which is a condition for history in the context of Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country in the world. In a separate but connected sense at the same time, I think how the whole world can be considered an archipelago as well. Bali is an abundant beautiful place with nature and philosophy of life, and I feel this place has a special alignment with my work. I hope visitors can feel symbiosis between art, nature, and life through their visit to Eugene Museum," he explained, quoted Tuesday, June 4.

Meanwhile, Andra Matin said, there are many similarities between his architectural practices and Kangawa's works, including admiration for natural elements such as the sun, wind, and shadow.

"By unifying Eugene Museum and the surrounding landscape, we have designed for natural light to resonate and adapt to the interior space of the museum throughout the day. In addition to what is needed for performing artwork, the entire museum will use artificial lighting at least and a unique approach that marks our commitment to building a sustainable museum," he said.

Sergey Solonin, founder of Nuanu, stated that one of the missions I want to achieve through Nuanu is to provide public access to art and art education.

"I hope that this artistic collaboration with Eugene Kangawa will not only inspire but also contribute to the mission and add wealth and cultural diversity in the region," he explained.

Known for its conceptual approach to art, Kangawa creates works that utilize and expand imagination, explore universal themes such as love, destiny, and wisdom. Its installation, which combines paintings, objects, sounds, and moving images, manipulates natural phenomena to provoke deep sensory experiences.

As the youngest artist to ever hold a single exhibition at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art, Kangawa's extensive work will be exhibited at the Eugene Museum, featuring more than 15 permanent installations, including existing and newly ordered works. Highlight works include 'Goldrain' (2019), with its gold particle rain, 'Sea Garden / Critical' (2021), which reflects the infinite sea, and new installations using augmented cloud molecules.

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