JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has assigned the Acting Deputy Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) Raja Juli Antoni to focus on eradicating land status problems in IKN through policy orientations that do not harm the people.

The statement was made by King Juli Antoni after being appointed by President Jokowi as the Implementer of Tugad Deputy Head of the IKN Authority replacing Dhony Rahajoe.

"Especially regarding the land agency, the direction was, the main direction is orientation for the people. So, it's not detrimental," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 3.

The Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) informed that currently there are 2,086 hectares of problematic land in IKN to be resolved through the Social Impact Handling (PDSK) approach.

The scheme prepared by the government is in the form of relocation and compensation for people who receive the land used for IKN development. However, if there is no agreement, the IKN Authority will divert the construction site.

Raja Juli menjelaskan kepastian hukum dari status lahan tersebut penting untuk menghapus kecayaran investor dalam proses pembangunan IKN.

After receiving the new assignment, Raja Juli immediately developed a work system in line with the President's directives and Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning IKN.

"This still gets directions, I'm still systeming it first," he said.

Raja Juli yang juga menjabat Wakil Menteri Agrarian dan Tata Spatial itu menyebut penugasannya sebagai Pelaksana Tugas Wakil Kepala Otorita IKN sebagai Amanah besar yang harus dijalankan.

"I'm getting a big mandate, hopefully I can perform," he said.

Acting Head of the IKN Authority Basuki Hadimuljono offered a sale and purchase scheme for land owned by residents at the IKN development site. This policy was taken to increase the interest of investors.

"So, both of us will immediately decide the status of the land in this IKN, whether it is sold or rented? We want to speed it up so that investors don't hesitate to make investments anymore," said the Minister of PUPR.

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