JAKARTA - The Kupang National Water Conservation Area (BKKPN) is ready to explain the findings related to the damage to the marine ecosystem in Gili Trawangan waters allegedly the impact of drilling the installation of pipes belonging to PT Tiara Cipta Nirwana (TCN). BKKPN Kupang Coordinator for the Gili Trawangan, Meno, and Air Working Area (Teramina) Martanina said the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police had contacted his party to ask for information about the findings. "So, the Tipidter (Certain Criminal Action of the NTB Police) has contacted, and he said he wanted to ask for information from the BKKPN. If so, we are ready to be summoned to provide information regarding the results of our investigation," he said when contacted by telephone, Monday, June 3, confiscated by Antara. He said that the BKKPN is still waiting for the results of the Analytic Chemical Laboratory of Mataram University (Unram) test related to a sample of mud material deposited on the seabed of Gili Trawangan waters around the pipe installation point belonging to PT TCN. The sample was taken during an investigation by the BKKPN together with a joint team from the North Lombok Police and Air Unit (Satpolairud), non-governmental organizations, divers practitioners, Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervision (PSDKP) of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in the NTB region, and the Environmental Service. According to him, during field activities on May 8, 2024, the joint team also took samples of seawater to see the impact of pollution from the drilling waste for the installation of the PT TCN pipeline. "The results of the sea water sample test have come out. For the mud content that has not yet been, later when the results come out, we will forward it to law enforcement," he said. By conveying this, said Martanina, his party supports the NTB Regional Police in handling this case in accordance with the role of BKKPN in efforts to save marine ecosystems. "Of course we will continue to monitor the results of this investigation so that there will be sanctions from this matter," he said. He emphasized that the sanctions in the pollution or destruction of marine ecosystems already exist in Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning the management of coastal areas and small islands as amended by Law Number 1 of 2014. In addition to encouraging law enforcement, said Martanina, BKKPN in overseeing this issue also held a demonstration in North Lombok Regency, on Monday (3/6). The BKKPN together with a number of people conveyed demands to save the marine ecosystem in Gili Trawangan waters by holding an action in front of the North Lombok Regent's Office, the North Lombok DPRD Office, and the PDAM Amerta Dayan Gunung Office. In the prosecution, BKKPN also conveyed that there was an investigation into marine ecosystem pollution in Gili Trawangan waters which was allegedly the result of drilling activities for the installation of pipes belonging to PT TCN. PT TCN is a private company that collaborates with PDAM Amerta Dayan Gunung, North Lombok Regency, in providing clean water in the Gili Trawangan tourist area. The company provides clean water from sea water distillation by applying the Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) method. The operation of PT TCN in the tourist area has been strengthened by the issuance of a permit from the NTB One Stop Integrated Licensing Investment Service (DPMPTSP).

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