Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution met with the former Deputy Governor of North Sumatra who is also the Chairman of the Golkar Party Regional Leadership Council (DPD) for North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah alias Ijeck.

The meeting of these two figures was also uploaded to their respective Instagram accounts and became the talk of netizens.

The meeting is considered a strong signal that the Golkar Party will support Bobby Nasution Bobby Nasution in the North Sumatra Governor and Deputy Governor Election (Pilgub) which will take place in November 2024.

Bobby Nasution is known to be promoted by the Gerindra Party to run in the North Sumatra Pilgub.

"Talk about secrets. The results will be conveyed directly," Bobby said about the meeting when met after attending the closing of the Nusantara Culinary Pelajah activity in Medan City, Sunday, June 2 night.

Bobby also gave a signal that the Golkar Party would support him to run in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election. This will be conveyed directly by Golkar or by Musa Rajekshah.

"Yes, I'll eat it later so that Bang Ijeck or from Golkar conveys it. Leaks, maybe yes (supported by Golkar). Hopefully, pray for it," said Bobby.

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