JAKARTA - A child with the initials GH (9) was found dead tragically wrapped in sacks in the Bantar Gebang area, Bekasi City, West Java, Sunday, June 2.

The victim was found dead in a 2.5 meter deep hole in a pump jet on Sunday morning at around 02.00 WIB.

It was later discovered that before being found dead, the victim had disappeared since Friday, May 31. The victim's parents also reported it to the Bantar Gebang Police.

Meanwhile, the victim's body was taken to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital for an autopsy.

After being investigated, the police finally arrested the suspected killer with the initials D (61).

In his action, D committed a heinous act by putting the victim into a sack and throwing it away.

"The perpetrator has been arrested. (the cause) is suspected to have been killed," he said, Bantar Gebang Police Chief, AKP Ririn.

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