JAKARTA - The DPD of the National Democratic Party (NasDem) of Depok City, West Java, proposed the name of Imam Budi Hartono as a candidate for mayor of Depok for the period 2025-2030 to the party's central board.

"God willing, we will submit it and submit it to the NasDem DPP. Later there will be a plenary session on June 3, 2024. If it has been a letter, then we will submit it to the Depok PKS DPD," said the chairman of the Depok NasDem Party DPD, Syamsul Maarif, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, June 2.

Syamsul Maarif explained that there had been a meeting and a gathering with the PKS in the election for the mayor of Depok.

"We sincerely intend to explore a coalition with PKS. We convey the name of Imam Budi Hartono to the NasDem DPP," said Syamsul Maarif.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Depok City PKS DPD, Imam Budi Hartono, said that the PKS coalition and the Golkar Party in the Depok Pilkada increased by one, namely NasDem, so that there were 21 seats in the DPRD.

This has been done from 20 percent to be able to carry the candidates for mayor and deputy mayor in the Depok Regional Election.

"Like that, NasDem is positive for our coalition, it's 80 percent. Just waiting for the letter to hopefully enter the PKS and Golkar coalitions," said Imam Budi Hartono.

Imam said that the exploration and communication with the Depok City NasDem Party had been established for a long time.

However, to be serious, the coalition requires coalition letters to join PKS and Golkar, which have the tagline to build Depok together.

"The exploration has been a long time, we need a sign of seriousness to join the PKS-Golkar coalition," said Imam.

Imam said. the seriousness of the Depok City NasDem Party was marked by asking for letters from the prospective mayor from PKS to be proposed to his party's DPP.

"The NasDem Party asked my CV (mayor candidate) to be proposed to the DPP," he said.

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