YOGYAKARTA Fibromyalgia is characterized by insomnia, fatigue, chronic fatigue, anxiety, intestinal function disorders, and pain in certain parts of the body. Such as knees, elbows, back neck, shoulders, waist, and chest bone sides. These unique symptoms relate to physical pain and mental conditions.
Fibromyalgia does not threaten life and does not cause damage to the body, shape disorders, or injuries to the internal organs. This condition is also known as fibrositis. This name comes from Latin, fibrosa or fibro tissue and Greek terms, myo or algia which means pain. Fibromyalgia is not a form of fire, because it does not cause joint inflammation or muscle damage and damage to other tissues. But fibromyalgia is only muscle disorders that cause pain in some parts of the body.
Fibromyalgia affects most women, more than 80 percent of the sufferers are women aged 35-55 years. Even so, fibromyalgia can be experienced by men, children, and the elderly. This condition can be unrelated to other diseases, but it can be related to lupus or rheumatoids. The cause of fibromyalgia is unknown. People who experience it, feel pain in response to excitations that are usually not painful.
Research reported by Indonesian Rheumatology Associations, Wednesday, November 20, found an increase in levels of neural chemical signals called P substance, and a nerve growth factor in spinal fluids in fibromyalgia patients. Brain chemical serotonin levels are also relatively low in patients with fibromyalgia. Research on pain in fibromyalgia reveals that the central nervous system (brain) may be very sensitive.
In addition, fibromyalgia patients have eye movement disorders, or non-REM sleep phases that may explain fatigue and are not as fresh as a sleep.
In diagnosing fibromyalgia, doctors ask about physical history and examination. Patients who feel pain, usually feel at least 11-18 points, without inflammation, tissue swelling, and feel more than 3 months. How to reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia, among others with the following steps.
Every symptom of fibromyalgia has a different level of stress. For some people, pouring drinking water on the table can shake greatly. But for others broken glasses can be common daily. So stress reduction in fibromyalgia care must be adjusted. This includes stress in the office, in relationships, relaxation, relaxation, to psychological counseling. Optimal sleep is also recommended for fibromyalgia patients.
Therapy reduces symptoms of fibromyalgia, advocating for regular exercise. Keeping muscles healthy with exercise three times a week reduces the level of discomfort. Light exercise such as aerobics, swimming, cycling, walking, can be an effective treatment for fibromyalgia.
The most effective sport is daily fictions. Exercise, can have a good effect by increasing sound sleep.
Research shows that there is no special food that people with fibromyalgia should avoid. But it's nice to evaluate every food you eat. A good way to start identifying, identify foods that worsen symptoms. Make daily journals about foods that are eaten and their effects on pain and mental condition.
Recommendations in general, avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine before bed in order to get the same sleep every day. If a patient has colon irritation syndrome, a diet must be adjusted so as not to worsen symptoms.
Because fibromyalgia can be influenced by stimulation, including mental pulses, tricycle antidepressant drugs are often prescribed for the treatment of depression. Antidepressants of this type are used to reduce fatigue, relieve muscle pain and seizures, increase sleep and refresh sleep while sleeping for fibromyalgia patients.
It is important to check and recognize self-constraints. Talk to the doctor if you combine prescription and alternative medicine. Alternative medicines, one of which is acupuncture.
With acupuncture, acupuncture experts insert one or more needles into the skin and tissue underneath at a certain point. The movement to twist or manipulate needles gently causes the release of endorphins into the bloodstream. The endorphin is a natural body opioid that relieves pain.
Those are explanations and ways to relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia that cause knee pain, waist, back neck, shoulders, and related to fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Most importantly done, consult every symptom of the disease in doctors and medical services so that they get the appropriate treatment for complaints.
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