JEMBRANA - A Facebook account called Abdilah Pulukan Bali has made a status that harasses Hindus viral on social media.

In his Facebook status, he wrote a status related to the Holy Day of Silence and included a photo of the Pemelastian activity. In his status, he wrote, "Only stupid people participate in celebrating Nyepi. As a religious person, I strongly oppose the presence of Hindus in Bali, wake up and stop worshiping stones and statues," said the account owner.

The Head of the Jembarana Bali Police, AKBP I Ketut Gede Adi Wibawa, said the owner of the account had been secured by the police. The perpetrator admitted that his account was hacked by an irresponsible person. In addition, the owner of the account is known to come from Pulukan Village, Jembrana, Bali.

"We secure the person concerned in order to retrieve information and we are still investigating and in the deepening stage. Because the person concerned said that his account was hacked," said AKBP Wibawa, when contacted, Friday, March 12.

"Now the person concerned has been taken to the Regional Police and a deepening of the Regional Police. The concerned is a resident of Pulukan," he added.

The police appeal to the public to use social media wisely. In addition, the police asked the public not to be provoked by posting the Facebook account and hand it over to the police.

"Our hope is that the community must wisely use social media and not be provoked by news that is not necessarily true. So the Pekutatan Musyawarah (Sub-District Leadership Conference) has gathered with community and religious leaders to convey their stance so that it does not spread and is submitted to the police," he explained.

"This is still being secured and information is taken. Investigation and in-depth investigation. Our appeal is wise to do social media and not be provoked," said AKBP Wibawa.

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