YOGYAKARTA Performing the pilgrimage without complying with applicable regulations and procedures, including not having an official visa, can bring in various sanctions. So, what are the sanctions for going for Hajj without a visa?

Please note, the Hajj visa is a written permit granted by the authorized official at the Saudi Arabian Government Representative Office in Indonesia which contains approval to enter and travel (hajj pilgrimage) to the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This understanding is contained in the Decree of the Director General of Hajj and Umrah Implementation Number 527 of 2019 concerning Guidelines for Completing Hajj Travel Documents.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) visas that can be used to enter Makkah and Masyair or Rafah, Muzdalifah and Mina are Hajj visas.

Provisions regarding Indonesian Hajj visas are listed in Law Number 8 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah (PIHU).

Article 18 of the regulation explains that the Indonesian Hajj visa consists of via Indonesian quota hajj, and the hajj mujamalah visa invited by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Indonesian quota hajj visa is divided into two, namely the quota of regular pilgrims organized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia, and visas for special Hajj pilgrims organized by the Special Hajj Organizers (PIHK).

For Indonesian citizens (WNI) who received an invitation for a hajj mujamalah visa from the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the PIHU Law stipulates that their departure is mandatory through the PIHK.

The PIHK who dispatched Indonesian citizens who received the invitation for the hajj mujamalah visa must serve the Minister of Religion (Menag).

Going to Hajj without a visa includes serious violations. The Saudi Arabian government enforces strict rules to control the number of pilgrims for security and comfort reasons.

Quoted from Antara, Friday, May 31, 2024, Hajj Organizers (PPIH) said that pilgrims will be sanctioned if found not to have a Hajj visa but are still desperate to come to Makkah for Hajj during an examination by local authorities.

Head of PPIH Madinah Working Area Ali Machzumi said the Government of Saudi Arabia would impose strict sanctions in the form of fines of 10,000 Riyals or around Rp. 43 million to deportation.

"For those who do not use the Hajj visa, there is a fine from the Government of Saudi Arabia of around 10,000 riyals," said Ali.

He added that in addition to fines and deportations to the country of origin, pilgrims caught not having a Hajj visa will also be prohibited from coming to Saudi Arabia for 10 years.

"There are other sanctions, namely being deported from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia and for a long time, namely 10 years not allowed to enter Saudi Arabia," said Ali.

That's information about the sanction of going for Hajj without a visa. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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