JAKARTA - Elected President Prabowo Subianto sent a Synchronization Task Force Team to harmonize the 2025 RAPBN prepared by the current government with the next government work program.

This task force team was chaired by Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, who currently serves as Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the Gerindra faction.

"This is the Prabowo-Gibran Government Synchronization Task Force Team requested by the elected President to synchronize with ministries to prepare the Prabowo-Gibran government process after he was appointed President of the Republic of Indonesia on October 20," said Secretary General Gerindra Muzani after meeting Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani at the office of the Ministry of Finance, Central Jakarta, Friday, May 31. Muzani expressed Prabowo's hope that the synchronization process would run well so that the transition from the Jokowi-Maruf Amin administration to the Prabowo-Gibran government did not take long. "Because the upcoming government wants to quickly implement programs that are campaign promises during the general election," he said.

Muzani also introduced the ranks of the Synchronization Task Force Team who met Sri Mulyani. "We introduce that the Synchronization Task Force Team is chaired by Professor Doctor Haji Sufmi Dasco Ahmad. I act as deputy chairman and Mr. Tommy Djiwandono as a member in charge of the economy and finance," explained Muzani. In addition to meeting the ranks of the Ministry of Finance, this task force will also visit several other ministries.," he said.

It is known that Sufmi Dasco Ahmad is the Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party as well as the Deputy Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives. Meanwhile, Ahmad Muzani is the Secretary General of the Gerindra Party as well as the Deputy Chair of the MPR RI.

Meanwhile, Tommy Djiwandono served as the General Treasurer of the Gerindra Party. Then members of another task force, namely Sugiono, Budi Djiwandono and Prasetyo Hadi, were Gerindra Party cadres.

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