Chairman of the DPP NasDem Party, Sugeng Suparwoto, claims that his party has never required cadres who become ministers to donate funds for party activities.

This is in response to the testimony of the witness in the trial of the gratification case of former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) regarding the flow of funds of Rp. 850 million from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) for NasDem.

"If this is the case, it looks like the scenario of the people there, sitting in the minister must donate this, it is for the benefit of the party, nothing. I make sure there is none," said Sugeng at NasDem Tower, Thursday, May 30.

Sugeng admits that donations from NasDem cadres for party activities such as distributing disaster victims assistance are common.

"We all open wallets like that, then we donate. Some donate a million, there are two million. Maybe yes, Mr. Sahrul Limpo is because of the minister, because his position contributes more than us," said Sugeng.

However, Sugeng did not know where the donation funds given by SYL to his party came from.

"Maybe Mr. Sahrul Limpo in that context at that time there were ministerial operational funds, for example, which were used to help when NasDem opened up togetherness regarding disasters," he explained.

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