JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has named nine Selection Committees (Pansel) for Candidates for Leadership (Kapim) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The Presidential Decree (Keppres) has been signed.

"Yesterday, before leaving (work visit, ed) I signed it. Nine names came in," Jokowi told reporters at North Lawang Market, South Sumatra, Thursday, May 30.

Jokowi admitted that he did not memorize the names. However, he said these nine figures came from professional elements and the government.

"How much is the government's element, how professional, but I think what, fifty-fifty, is," said the former governor of DKI Jakarta.

"The Pansel of the KPK asked the Minister of State Secretary but I signed it yesterday before leaving," Jokowi continued.

Previously reported, a number of parties proposed the right person to be the Selection Committee (Pansel) for the Leadership and Supervisory Board of the KPK. Among them are Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and the Center for Legal and Policy Studies (PSHK).

They assessed that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) must remember the importance of integrity, competence, and independence. This has been conveyed in an audience conducted with Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office.

"We convey three things. First, it is important for KSP to ensure that the President considers the criteria for integrity, competence, and independence before forming the Selection Committee for Commissioners and the KPK Supervisory Board for the period 2024-2029," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in a written statement to reporters, Monday, May 20.

ICW and PSHK are also said to recommend a figure that Jokowi can consider as a pansel. "At least more than 20 names that we encourage with various backgrounds, ranging from academics, practitioners, to observers of anti-corruption issues," said Kurnia.

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