The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has named six suspects in the money laundering crime (TPPU) case of alleged corruption in the tin commodity trading system for the mining business permit (IUP) of PT Timah Tbk in 2015-2022.

"Regarding the money laundering offense suspect, six suspects have been named," said the Director of Investigation (Dirdik) Jampidsus AGO, Kuntadi at a press conference at the AGO Building, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 29.

Kuntadi said the six TPPU suspects were PT Quantum Skyline Exchange (QSE) Manager Helena Lim (HL), the husband of actress Sandra Dewi as well as an extension of PT Refined Bangka Tin (RBT) Harvey Moeis.

Furthermore, President Director of PT Sarijuna Bina Sentosa, Robert Indarto (RI), Sugito Gunawan (SG) as Commissioner of PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa (SIP), owner of CV beneficial ownership of Venus Inti Perkasa (VIP) Tamron alias Aon (TN), and President Director of PT RBT Suparta.

Meanwhile, a total of 22 suspects have been named by the AGO. They are suspected of working together in the process of running an illegal lead business. Most recently, the former Director General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the 2015-2022 period, Bambang Gatot Ariyono.

Previously, the Attorney General's Office (AGO) immediately transferred the case file for the alleged corruption in the tin trading system of the Mining Business Permit (IUP) PT Timah Tbk 2015-2022 to the court.

Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Attorney General's Office, Febrie Adriansyah, said investigators had named 22 suspects in a case that caused the state to lose hundreds of trillions.

"What is clear is that we have announced 22 suspects who we believe are the perpetrators, this is what enjoys, this is what causes state losses, we will immediately try them," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Febrie said his agency had asked the Supreme Audit and Development Agency (BPKP) to immediately complete the calculation of state financial losses from illegal tin mining activities.

Based on the results of the BPKP audit, the value of state financial losses reached more than Rp. 300 trillion, consisting of the loss of cooperation between PT Timah Tbk and private smelters of Rp. 2,285 trillion, losses on tin ore payments to PT Timah Tbk amounting to Rp. 26,649 trillion, and environmental losses of Rp. 271.1 trillion.

According to Febrie, the AGO does not only stop at 22 suspects who have been named. As long as they have evidence, they do not hesitate to name a new suspect.

"So, rest assured that the prosecutor's investigator is professional, acts in the corridor of provisions and I specifically ask the BPKP deputy and auditors to accelerate the results of calculating state losses with the intention that we can quickly delegate them," he explained.

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