DENPASAR - Two perpetrators of the murder of construction workers in Bali, Ahmad Miskadi (40) were arrested by the police. The two suspects, Yohanes Ngidi Ate (22) and Yosep Oktavianto Dia Ate (24) were arrested in different locations.
"This is a case of theft with violence which resulted in the death of a victim," said Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirkrimum) of the Bali Regional Police, Kombes Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro at the Bali Police Headquarters, Friday, March 12.
The perpetrator commits theft and violence with economic urgency motives. The two perpetrators were shot by police for trying to escape during an arrest attempt.
"Taking the first measured decisive action against one of the perpetrators who when the arrest was carried out ran away. The perpetrator, both measures are measured decisively because when looking for evidence he tries to escape, "he added.
While in action Yosep waited on the motorbike, while Yohanes headed for the theft target. When the perpetrator stole the cellphone, the victim was discovered and chased by the victim.
The perpetrator and the victim fought until the victim died because he was stabbed by a knife.
"The victim was stabbed several times which resulted in death, in the forehead, neck and pulse.
The two of them gang up (victim). So two against one. After that the victim's child (came) because his father was stabbed so that his son secured his father but it was not helped, "he said.

In this case, the evidence that was secured was a motorcycle, two cellphones and a wooden knife with blood stains.
"They do not have a job and always carry sharp weapons and the aim is to defend themselves," said Kombes Rahardjo.
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