JAKARTA - Chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, highlighted the many criticisms of the government's plan to cut the salaries of civil servants, private sector, state-owned enterprises, to the TNI/Polri by 3 percent for people's housing savings (Tapera).

Saleh assessed that the rules related to Tapera had not been well socialized. So that there are still many people who do not understand and get less accurate information.

According to Saleh, there are several things that need to be considered regarding Tapera. First, Tapera participants are those who earn the same as or greater than the minimum wage.

"This is considered to have the potential to create injustice. Because, there are also many members of society whose salaries are far from the minimum wage. Meanwhile, they are also people who need housing," Saleh told reporters, Wednesday, May 29.

Therefore, the PAN faction urges the government to find solutions to this problem. Saleh emphasized that any policy set by the government should be fair and beneficial to all.

Second, there is a maximum of 7 years to register as participants, starting from the time the rules were set. During that period, said Saleh, the government must conduct a comprehensive study so that this activity does not cause social turmoil.

"From my observations, so far there is still a lot of confusion and noise related to this program. Although the president said that this is very good for the long term, there are still negative tweets. Especially in social media," explained the member of Commission IX of the DPR.

Third, many workers may reject this Tapera program. For this reason, the PAN faction urged the government to have a dialogue with them.

"If they still refuse, the government is asked not to force it. We must find the best solution," said Saleh.

"The intention is for the good of the workers and the lower class. Therefore, they must be heard. If there is something that needs to be accommodated, the government must be tolerant to consider it," continued the North Sumatra electoral district legislator.

Fourth, Tapera is considered to have increased additional burdens for workers. This is because there are many other obligations that must be fulfilled, including the obligation to participate in social security in the form of BPKS Health and BPJS Employment. Payment of these two social security measures is also still taken from workers' salaries.

"The obligation of employers or employers is 0.5 percent. Meanwhile, 2.5 percent is the obligation of workers." said Saleh.

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