JAKARTA - Temperatures above 52 degrees Celsius in Sindh province, southern Pakistan, became the highest number in the summer and is nearing the country's record high amid ongoing heat waves.

Extreme temperatures across Asia in the past month are likely to get worse due to climate change caused by human activity, the international team of scientists said.

In Mohenjo Daro, the city of Sindh which is famous for its archaeological site from the Valley of Indus civilization, temperatures have risen to 52.2 Celsius over the past 24 hours, a senior official at the Pakistan Meteorological Department, Shahid Abbas told Reuters quoted Tuesday, May 28.

The temperatures became the highest in the summer so far, and are nearing record high temperatures in cities and rural areas of 53.5 degrees Celsius and 54 degrees Celsius, respectively.

Mohenjo Daro is a small town that experiences a very hot summer and a cool winter, as well as low rainfall.

Limited markets, including bakeries, tea shops, mechanics, electronics workshops, and fruit and vegetable sellers, are usually busy with customers.

However, with the current heat wave, almost no visitors have come to the shops.

The subscription did not come to the restaurant because the weather was very hot. I sat still in this restaurant with tables and chairs and without customers, "Wajid Ali, 32, the owner of a tea shop in the city.

"I took a shower several times a day which made me a little relieved. The heat made us very uncomfortable."

Near the Ali shop, there is an electronics workshop managed by Abdul Khaliq, 30, who is sitting at work with a half-open store cover to protect him from sunlight. Khaliq also complained about the hot weather affecting his business.

Local doctor Mustahq Ahmed said local residents had adapted to living in extreme weather conditions and preferred to stay indoors or near water.

"Pakistan is the fifth country most vulnerable to the impact of climate change. We have seen heavy rains and floods," said Rubina Khursheed Alam, climate coordinator in the cabinet. He said the government was running an awareness campaign due to the heat wave.

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