JAKARTA - The policy of deactivating the population identification number (NIK) of Jakarta residents living outside the area by the DKI Provincial Government is still not on target.

A number of families whose NIK records will be abolished cannot apply for a registration account for new students (PPDB) for the 2024/2025 school year because they are considered to have lived outside the city.

Apparently, there are prospective students whose families only move domicile in their local environment to be included in the list of the elimination of the NIK.

This was revealed by a member of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Sutikno, who received complaints from residents.

"It turns out that not all of them are true that the deactivated NIK lives outside the area. It turns out that there are many wrong targets as well. Those who live not in the local RT environment or he moves to another RT because of the contracting factor, this is the impact," said Sutikno, Tuesday, May 28.

As a result, continued Sutikno, the prospective student failed to submit a PPDB account and was threatened with not being able to register at a public school.

"The impact is that the NIK is turned off. So that when PPDB is implemented, including school registration, he can't access an account. That means he can't register," said Sutikno.

Therefore, Sutikno asked the DKI Provincial Government to fix the process of deactivating the account so that it would no longer be wrong.

"This asks for help in cooperation with Dukcapil to evaluate those who still live in DKI Jakarta," he said.

It is known that the DKI Provincial Government has implemented a new system in the selection of prospective public school students at this year's PPDB.

Deputy Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Purwosusilo, revealed that residents who have lived outside the area cannot apply for a PPDB registration account.

If the student guardian fails to create an account, it means that their family is included in the target of deactivating the NIK. Given, next month, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will start disabling the NIK of Jakarta residents who have lived outside the area.

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