DENPASAR - A man from Jombang, East Java, with the initials R (44) who lives in North Kuta, Badung, Bali, admitted to being a victim of persecution by two foreign nationals (WNA) in Bali.

The victim reported the incident to the Bali Police with the number LP/B/386/V/2024/SPKT/POLDA BALI, on Friday (24/5).

"The victim reported to the SPKT Polda Bali, on Friday. The victim, a private employee from Jombang, East Java," said Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, Monday, May 27.

The chronology, on Friday (17/5) the victim was contacted by a person who claimed to have the initials TC, an Australian citizen. At that time, TC asked the victim to come to Warung Made, on Jalan Raya Seminyak, Glasses, Badung Regency, Bali, with the intention of paying off debts.

The victim then went to Warung Made with his friends to meet TC and another foreigner with the initials MR.

Australian citizen TC said the victim was still in debt. However, the victim said that he had paid it with proof of the transfer the victim had.

A citizen with the initials MR then said the victim had not paid the remaining debt and the victim was forced to admit that the victim still had debts by being intimidated and not being allowed to go home.

"Furthermore, MR hit the victim's chest (victim) and TC hit the reporter on the back of the head," he added.

It did not stop there, after that the victim was forced to sign a statement containing the victim still having a debt of Rp. 810,000,000 and that day the victim had to pay Rp. 400,000,000 and the remaining Rp. 410,000,000 was paid on May 31, 2024.

Finally, the victim transferred Rp. 400,000,000 to the account of PT UBC. MR at that time asked for guarantees in the form of the victim's white Honda Mobilio car DK-1695-FW.

According to the MR perpetrator, the victim's car will be returned if the victim has paid the remaining debt.

"With this incident, the victim suffered a loss of Rp. 1,026,000,000. This problem will be followed up and the process is in accordance with the applicable law at the Bali Police Ditreskrimum," he said.

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