PDI-P politician (PDIP) Aria Bima emphasized that Megawati Soekarnoputri's move as PDIP General Chair has not announced a political stance in the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming government, not out of fear.

This was conveyed by Aria when asked about the party's future stance which has not been decided, according to Megawati's statement in her speech at the closing of the PDIP National Working Meeting V.

"No (not afraid, red). The most appropriate thing is that (because, red) the government is only starting October," Aria told reporters quoted on Monday, May 27.

Aria said that it is impossible for PDIP to announce that they are outside the government during the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Moreover, many party cadres bearing the bull symbol occupy important positions in government.

So, it would be the most appropriate if the decision was made later after Prabowo-Gibran was inaugurated. "Lha, the government of Pak Prabowo, only October, how come now we decide, that's how to reason. So we see big things," he said.

Moreover, Megawati said that Aria would definitely continue to monitor the political conditions in the country. Do not let the democratic crisis happen again in the future.

"Mrs. Mega will closely observe whether future governments need to be supported inside or remain in a position in parliament to strengthen the function of checks and balances," said the Deputy Chairman of Commission VI.

"But what is clear is that there is no opposition term. Because Ibu Mega emphasized, this opposition is actually the right term in the parliamentary system, while we are the presidential system," he continued.

As previously reported, PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri said the political stance in the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka Government was a strategic attitude. Thus, the decision will be made at the party congress.

"The political position of the PDI-P towards the upcoming government is a strategic matter and so far it has always been decided at the party congress," Megawati said during a political speech closing the PDIP V National Working Meeting at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Sunday, May 26.

Even so, Megawati believes that the people already know the position of her party. "We are democratic fighters," said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The character of the fighter is marked by the fire of the struggle that is always burning and never goes out even in the midst of pressure and siege," continued Megawati.

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