PARIAMAN - A tragic incident occurred at SDN10 Durian Heart, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra. The reason is, Aldelia Rahman's students were doused with fuel to their bodies during sports activities at school. The victim's family told the chronology of the unfortunate incident.

The victim's cousin, Madona, said that the unfortunate incident occurred on February 28, 2024. At that time, Aldelia was carrying out sports activities which were then instructed by the homeroom teacher to follow the spirit of gotong royong.

"After burning the garbage, they were left unsupervised by the school teacher, a classmate named Riffel took a bottle of gasoline from his friend and then sprayed it into Aldelia's body, then because of strong winds Aldelia was struck by fire and then caught fire," said the victim's cousin, Madona, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 25.

As a result of the fire, Madona said Aldelia then tried to save herself until she ended up in front of the class.

"He (Aldelia) saved himself by trying to go to the bathroom and it turned out to be locked, then ran again to the front of the class and everyone shouted. Finally, Aldelia was told to roll to the ground with the aim that the fire could die. Then, a sports teacher came, he tried to take off his clothes and help extinguish the fire. After that, Aldelia was immediately taken to the nearest health center," he said.

As a result of serious burns, Madona said Aldelia was immediately referred to RSUP M Djamil Padang. At the hospital, Aldelia was treated for 35 days.

After that, the victim was allowed to go home on the grounds that there was no other disease in his body. The victim only suffered burns.

"3 days after returning from the hospital, he had a good time eating. Then on the fourth day, he had no appetite and then we took him to the hospital for control," he said.

"After that, it dropped and was treated for 10 days, then after being sent home, he was better off then being treated again and then sent home until he finally died," he continued.

According to him, the family has reported Adelia's friend who allegedly poured Pertalite on Adelia, the school was also reported by the family because it was considered negligent with the police.

"The family has made a report to the Padang Pariaman Police," he said.

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