TANGERANG - The police finally arrested a former kelurahan staff named holid who had escaped for two years in a case of raping a teenager with the initials MA (17). This incident occurred in the Pondok Aren area, South Tangerang, on October 3, 2021 and was only reported to the South Tangerang Police on December 4, 2022. "The suspect H,” said Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police AKP Agil in his statement, Sunday, May 26. When asked further about the chronology and location of Holid's arrest, Agil was reluctant to answer. The perpetrator is still being investigated to reveal more detailed information. "Furthermore, the case is in the process of being investigated by the PPA Unit of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Tangerang Police," he said. Agil said that currently the former Kelurahan staff and the victim's school committee have been named suspects. “ Already a suspect,” he said. For information, holid is a committee of victims' schools at SMPN 14. Due to his position, the perpetrator lured the victim with good grades as long as he didn't refuse when he was invited to have sex. After committing this act many times, the victim finally became pregnant and gave birth. The incident that occurred in 2021 was revealed after the victim's family took the Supreme Court to the hospital. When he went to the hospital, the victim bleeding. It turned out that when the check was carried out, the victim was pregnant and ready to give birth.
After giving birth, the baby victim was declared dead. Shortly thereafter, the Supreme Court had experienced trauma and mental disorders for months.

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