JAKARTA - Israel's absence of guarantees stops launching its military offensive in Gaza, Palestine after undergoing armed negotiations made Hamas respond firmly.

This was said by Hamas Osama Hamdan officials in response to issues that were thrown by a number of media in Israel regarding the new Hamas-Israel negotiations that would soon be held.

"We don't need any new negotiations," he told Al Jazeera Arab on Saturday, May 25 local time.

"There is no guarantee they [Israel] will accept a new proposal to negotiate... If there is no serious guarantee, this means giving Israel more time to continue the aggression," he added.

Earlier this May, Hamas was known to have approved a seven-month ceasefire proposal in Gaza. The proposal was submitted by mediators, Qatar and Egypt although Israel said the proposal did not meet their demands.

Yesterday, Israeli media reported officials involved in the negotiations recently said the Israeli government intends to update talks on the agreement to release prisoners in Gaza in the coming days, following a meeting with mediators in Paris.

According to the report, Israel's intelligence chief David Barnea has approved a draft new offer for negotiations that had stalled recently.

The new offer was designed by the Israeli negotiating team and contains possible solutions to the points of disagreement in the previous negotiations.

However, defense ministry officials believe that although Israel agrees to a temporary ceasefire, Israel will resume its attacks.

Hamas emphasized that they were not willing to accept a temporary ceasefire. Hamas stressed that ending the war must be permanent.

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