JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta will prohibit cars over the age of 10 from passing in the capital. This is stated in the Governor's Instruction Number 66 of 2019 concerning Air Quality Control.

Unfortunately, the plan to prohibit old cars from passing through Jakarta is hampered by a higher regulation, namely Law Number 22 the Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ Law). The LLAJ Law does not regulate the prohibition issue.

Can Anies' wish to prohibit old cars from paving be fulfilled? According to a transportation observer from the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Muslich Zainal Asikin, this can be done.

Anies can use a restriction system. Muslich gave an example that this regulation is similar to the implementation of three in one.

"Three in one does not have a law, but it can be applied. On certain days, vehicles with not three passengers may not pass in certain areas as well. That is a limitation, not a prohibition", Muslich told VOI, Friday, 12 March.

However, if the supervision is difficult to carry out thoroughly, Muslich suggested applying car restrictions over 10 years to apply in several sections with dense mobility.

"If the supervision is difficult, maybe it can be applied in the Sudirman-Thamrin area. Or, like the odd-even ones on 25 roads. If it's on the outskirts of the city, maybe not", he said.

However, Anies cannot simply ban vehicles over 10 years of age and free new vehicles from paving in Jakarta.

For old vehicles, the DKI Provincial Government must provide incentives so that many owners move their vehicles out of town. "Such as exemption from the transfer of name and so on", said Muslich.

Then, for new vehicles. Given that they have received incentives to pass freely, the DKI Provincial Government can increase the tax. "This policy is good because it balances the demand for new cars", he said.

It is known, in Governor's Instruction Number 66 of 2019, Anies asked his staff to ensure that no private vehicle over 10 years old can operate in the DKI Jakarta area. This ban takes effect in 2025.

However, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, admitted that the LLAJ Law does not regulate the prohibition of 10-year-old motor vehicles from operating.

"By-Law 22 Number 2009, age restrictions for private motorized vehicles have not been regulated", said Syafrin.

This is what makes DKI unable to prepare this regulation. This means said Syafrin, enforcement of the rules on the prohibition of cars over 10 years of age must wait for central government approval to harmonize it with the law.

"Because the regulations above or the government regulations do not regulate the age restrictions for private vehicles, of course, we cannot carry out this execution yet", said Syafrin.

Therefore, Syafrin admitted that the DKI Provincial Government has proposed that the central government amend the LLAJ Law and include the age limit for vehicles that are allowed to operate.

"It has been suggested that there is also a regulation on the age limitation of private vehicles. But of course, it is up to the regulator, in this case, the Ministry of Transportation", he concluded.

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