JAKARTA - Two Polri Generals, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo have been found by the panel of judges legally guilty of accepting a bribe for removing Joko Tjandra's name from the red notice list. Thus, many parties have asked the National Police to immediately take steps to dismiss the two of them.

One of the parties that has encouraged the National Police to take firm steps is the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). The reason was, of course the two generals had already been found guilty.

Although, the court's decision has not been reversed because Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo are still able to pursue legal remedies by filing an appeal.

"ICW also urges the Indonesian National Police to dishonorably discharge them," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in his statement, Thursday, March 11.

On the other hand, ICW also highlighted the prison sentence handed down by the panel of judges. Kurnia thought the punishment for them was too low. Supposedly, the two police generals were sentenced to life imprisonment.

"ICW considers that the appropriate sentence for Prasetijo and Napoleon is life imprisonment. Both of them also deserve to be fined Rp1 billion," said Kurnia.

In addition, Kurnia also highlighted the use of Article 5 paragraph (2) of the Anti-Corruption Act, which has a maximum sentence of only five years in prison. In this case, the panel of judges should have considered the use of Article 12 letter a of the Corruption Act. This is because the criminal threat is much heavier, with a maximum of life imprisonment.

"At least there are several reasons why Prasetijo and Napoleon deserve maximum punishment. First, when they commit crimes they carry out their profession as law enforcers. Of course, the practice of bribery that he does by itself destroys the image of the Police in the eyes of the public," said Kurnia.

"Second, Prasetijo and Napoleon as law enforcers collaborated with fugitives. In the trial facts, it was revealed that Prasetijo helped Joko Tjandra's wife to write a letter that was copied to Interpol Polri and he also wrote to Anna Boentaran regarding Joko Tjandra's red notice information. Director General of Immigration to delete the status of Joko Tjandra's wanted list, "he continued.

The last reason is that the millions of them have a major impact on the side of law enforcement. That is, they prevented Joko Tjandra from being thrown into prison for the Bank Bali cessie case.

Likewise, the commissioner of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas), Peongky Indarti also agreed that the National Police immediately impose sanctions on the Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH) of the two generals.

However, the provision of sanctions must go through a procedure, namely, by holding a trial for the National Police's code of ethics. This is also in line with the Chief of Police Regulation (Pekap) number 14 of 2011.

"Kompolnas encourages the imposition of the toughest ethical sanctions in the form of PTDH," said Poengky.

One of the reasons for the National Police Commission is because the two generals have tarnished the reputation of the National Police's institution. Moreover, their actions reflect their involvement with the legal mafia.

"From the beginning we called it the legal mafia because it involved law enforcement officers from various institutions. There were police, prosecutors, lawyers, ASN," said Poengky.

However, the National Police has yet to comment further on the decision of Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo regarding the bribery case for the removal of red notice Joko Tjandra.

The reason is, the legal process of the two is not yet complete. Where there are still those who appeal against this decision, namely Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. He still does not accept this verdict.

"Yes, of course we must respect the court's decision, on the other hand, the person concerned still has other legal remedies," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono.

That way, Rusdi reiterated that the National Police would appreciate all legal efforts made by Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo.

This is because legal remedies are their right. So, the Police will only monitor the progress of the trial so far.

"We respect that. We appreciate the court, we also need to appreciate the efforts concerned," he said.

For information, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte was found guilty of accepting bribes of 200 thousand Singapore dollars and 370 thousand US dollars. Thus, the panel of judges sentenced him to 4 years in prison. Hanua alone, he appealed the verdict.

Meanwhile, Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo was sentenced to imprisonment for 3 years and 6 months. This is because he was proven to have received 100 thousand US dollars. Brigadier General Prasetijo also accepted the verdict and chose not to file an appeal.

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