CIANJUR - Cianjur Resort Police, West Java have secured a package containing 1 kilogram of marijuana in a resident's garden in Sindanglaya Village, Cipanas District. The owner did not know, the police immediately secured and developed the case based on residents' reports.

Head of Cianjur Police Narcotics Unit, AKP Septian Pratama in Cianjur, Friday, said that the cannabis package wrapped in yellow plastic duct tape was first found by the owner of a garden who was about to work on the land, Friday (24/5).

"We received reports from residents and immediately sent officers to the location, we found a package of marijuana weighing 1 kilogram which was unknown who the owner was," said Septian as quoted by ANTARA.

His party is currently developing the marijuana findings, by asking for statements from a number of witnesses to find the owner of the illegal goods ready for distribution, including digging up the modes carried out.

"We will continue to develop the case, including arresting the owner of a cannabis package found in a resident's garden in the Puncak-Cipanas area," he said.

His party suspected that the marijuana package was deliberately left to be taken by a buyer or deliberately hidden to trick the officers. "We will investigate the case until the owner is arrested," he said.

Meanwhile, information from local residents did not know for sure who the owner of the package containing marijuana was, but they were quite surprised when they were about to work on the land to see the package located on the edge of the garden.

Feeling suspicious of the package, residents reported the findings to the Pacet Police, until finally the officers arrived and then the residents found out the contents of the package were ready to use marijuana.

"When I was about to work on the land, I saw a large package wrapped in yellow people's plastic duct tape, suspicious of its shape, we and other residents reported it to the police," said witness Yana Mulyana (47).

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