JAKARTA - The PKS DKI Jakarta Regional Leadership Council (DPW) has proposed to return to support Anies Baswedan as a candidate for the Governor of DKI Jakarta 2024 as during the 2017 Pilkada. Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PKS DPW Khoirudin admitted that his party had met with Anies to reveal his proposal. When met, Anies, called Khoirudin, warmly welcomed the offer. "Before this proposal, the DKI Jakarta PKS DPW had an informal discussion with Mr. Anies and was warmly welcomed," Khoirudin said in a short message, Friday, May 24. However, before the investigation of the former Governor of DKI Jakarta was realized, the DKI PKS DPW was still waiting for the approval of the PKS Central Executive Board (DPP) on the proposal. "The decision of the DKI PKS DPW is proposing to a DPP like that. It is the authority of the DPP to accept or reject (the proposal to carry Anies in the 2024 DKI gubernatorial election)," explained Khoirudin. Secretary of DPW PKS DKI Jakarta Abdul Aziz said, after Anies' name was proposed by regional officials, the DPP would summon Anies for an interview to ask for his willingness to run again in the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. Then, the DPP will decide whether to carry Anies or still have internal party cadres based on the winning opportunities that can be achieved. Bearing in mind, previously PKS had arrested three of its cadres who had the potential to be carried in the DKI gubernatorial election. "This is politics, yes, politics is dynamic. It depends on the wishes of the community. We also see the possibility of winning. Why are we nominating a partner who won't win. What for? We will definitely carry a partner who has the potential to win in Jakarta," explained Aziz. On the one hand, PKS has also begun to establish communication with a number of other political parties to form a coalition in the investigation of DKI cagub-cawagub. Even though PKS won the 2024 DKI Jakarta DPRD Legislative Election, Aziz admitted that the number of seats his party won in the Kebon Sirih parliament could not carry it alone. "We also have to consider who our coalition friends carry. There will definitely be a tug of war, yes, political cooperation. Communication with PDIP, Gerindra, NasDem, Golkar is done. But this is not going on once. This meeting must be repeated for the name of perception and so on," he added. Previously, the PKS DPP revealed that it would carry internal cadres in the 2024 DKI Pilgub. Thus, Anies' chances of returning to PKS such as the 2017 DKI Pilkada were getting smaller.
The three cadres projected to be promoted by PKS are PKS President Sohibul Iman, PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera, and DKI Jakarta PKS DPW Chairman Khoirudin.

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