A total of 866 personnel from the police were assisted by the TNI and several elements from the Magelang Regency Government secured the Vesak celebration of 2568 BE/2024 at Borobudur Temple and its surroundings.
Magelang Police Chief Kombes Mustofa said today is a series of core activities for the celebration of Vesak 2568 BE/2024.
"Why do I call it a core celebration, because the series of activities has been going on from May 18, 2024 and today's peak is a series of carnivals from the Mendut Temple to the borobudur Temple, then the Waisak seconds and closed with the release of the lanterns," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 23.
There were 866 personnel involved, namely from the TNI Kodim 0705/Magelang, the Central Java Police Mobile Brigade Unit, especially Gegana, then Satpol PP, firefighters, Dishub and members of the Magelang Police.
The core activities at Borobudur Temple, which is a national tourist attraction, community activities and a series of worship, are a priority for security activities.
Touching on traffic engineering, he said that today there was a closing for a series of carnivals from the Mendut Temple to Borobudur Temple, as in previous years.
"We have carried out the closure, but socialization has been carried out to people in the Borobudur area or people who are going to Borobudur, but if it is incidental, for example, there is an ambulance, we can still use it," he said.
He said sterilization was also carried out related to the vulnerability of disturbances with high intensity.
"We involved Gegana Polda Central Java, then we were also backed up from the TNI regarding securing vital national objects that we must secure," he said.
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