Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani said the name of the gubernatorial candidate for the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada still had to be finalized with other political parties. The stabbing was carried out when Gerindra had proposed three names of its cadres to run for the DKI gubernatorial election.

Even the Daily Chairperson of Gerindra, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said that the name of the Jakarta governor's cagub had narrowed to two names.

"Mr. Dasco mentioned two names? It looks like three names," said Muzani, Wednesday, May 22.

However, Muzani was reluctant to reveal the names that would be nominated in the DKI gubernatorial election. It was rumored that the two of the three names were the nephews of Gerindra General Chair Prabowo Subianto.

"Yes, it will be announced later," he said.

However, Muzani did not deny that the names of the Deputy Gerindra officers such as Budisatrio Djiwandono and Rahayu Saraswati were indeed offered to the political parties for coalition candidates. According to him, the name of the DKI cagub needs to be discussed carefully because Jakarta is an exclusive area.

"Yes, we have sounded the names to other parties, but later we will announce them," said Muzani.

"Especially for Jakarta, this is a bit exclusive," he added.

Previously, the Daily Chair of Gerindra Dasco, said the name of the Jakarta cagub was narrowed to the names of two internal cadres.

"We have two names that we consider from within the party," said Dasco.

However, Dasco has not disclosed the two cadres in question. He said the name would be announced by the party.

"In due time we will announce it," he said.

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