Polda Metro Jaya is still investigating the alleged blasphemy case of the Head of the Merauke Regional Airport Authority Office, Asep Kosasih, who vowed while stepping on the Qur'an. The video of Asep's action went viral on social media.
"An in-depth investigation is still being carried out," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, Wednesday, May 22.
Ade Ary explained that currently his party is investigating whether there is a criminal element in the case. He also asked the public to wait for the development of the case.
When asked about the possibility of summoning Asep Kosasih, Ade Ary admitted that he had not yet scheduled. "It will be scheduled, ask for time," he said.
Asep Kosasih vowed by stepping on the Qur'an to convince his wife that he was not having an affair. The action has been reported to Polda Metro Jaya.
Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (Ditjen Hubud) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has temporarily relieved the Head of the Airport Authority Office (OBU) Region X Merauke, South Papua.
This temporary release from office is carried out to facilitate further investigations related to the alleged Domestic Violence (KDRT) case, which has been internally reported to the Ministry of Transportation, through the Human Resources and Organizations Section (SDMO) of the Secretariat General of Civil Aviation.
"We regret the case of domestic violence involving the Head of the Regional Airport Authority X (Merauke) Asep Kosasih. Currently, the person concerned has been relieved of his duties to facilitate investigations," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation Cecep Kurniawan in his statement.
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