Director of the Directorate of Finance at Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya, Dr. Ardianto SEMSiAk, emphasized that his campus will not raise single tuition fees (UKT) in 2024.

"The 2024 UKT has not even increased, there are even some study programs - the UKT has actually dropped," Ardianto said in Surabaya as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 21.

He explained that determining the cost of UKT is based on the economic capacity of both parents or the person in charge of education costs.

Economic capabilities are evaluated based on documents uploaded by prospective new students after being declared to have passed and re-registered.

"Students who enter through the SNBP-National Selection Route Based on Achievements- and SNBT-National Selection Based on Tests- are not subject to Institution Development Contributions," he said.

For students who, if they still object to the UKT that has been determined, then the person concerned has the right to submit a relief application.

Relief can be in the form of a suspension, installment, and even decrease scheme. Students can apply for UKT relief online, campus cyber, without having to meet.

Unair also opens the widest possible communication channels for students who feel they need and have financial difficulties every semester.

"In essence, Unair has the principle that there should be no smart students who cannot continue their studies due to economic problems," he said.

Unair is also committed to continuing to improve facilities and infrastructure for the academic community in the campus environment. Both in terms of development, services, and so on.

UKT only contributes approximately 50 percent of Unair's income. The rest comes from grant funds from the Ministry (BPPTBH), APBN for the salaries of lecturers and civil servants, income from cooperation, and Unair's business entities.

"So, Unair does not rely solely on UKT from students. There are other Revenue Resulting Units, including Airlangga Executive Education Center, Airlangga Assessment Center, CESGS, Unair-RSUA Hospital, RSGM-UA, RSH-UA- and other generating units including those from Unair's Business Entity including Airlangga Global Travel, Indonesian Bioproduct Innovation -Inobi-, PT Abisheka Bangun Sarana, PT Dharma Putra Adigraha, Airlangga Univ Consulting and others," he said.

He emphasized that Unair also upholds financial transparency every year. In fact, the public and the media can also open Unair's financial statements through the website:

"Airlangga University will fully support efforts to improve and improve learning facilities in Unair, both physically and non-physically, as long as it has become a strategic target set by the Chancellor with MWA approval," he said.

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