Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution took the registration form for a candidate for governor at the secretariat of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the Democratic Party of Sumatra to fight in the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

"Yes, we received the representative and we gave the form to the representative, hopefully it will be returned quickly," said North Sumatra Executive Director of Democrats, Pengeran, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 21.

Pangeran revealed that there were already 16 candidates for Governor of North Sumatra who registered in this party. However, only five candidates have returned the form.

He then mentioned the names of the candidates for the election participants who had returned, namely Edy Rahmayadi, Musa Rajekshah, Adi Syahputra, Give Simorangkir, and Ustaz Aziz Siregar.

"We, the DPD of the Democratic Party, open the door as much as possible to the best son/daughter of North Sumatra to register, whoever we will accept," said Pangeran.

According to him, his party has carried out an internal mechanism from the party and everything the selection has done will be brought to the DPP of the Democratic Party.

"Because the interest of the regional elections is high, including the regions, for that we open up opportunities again, we can still register until an undetermined time limit," he said.

Meanwhile, Bobby Nasution's Internal Team, Muhammad Ricky Pangeran Siregar, said that his arrival to represent Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution took registration in the Democratic Party to take part in the 2024 Pilkada.

"After the Democrats took the form, then we planned to go to PKB, Perindo, PPP, and Hanura previously to Gerindra and PAN," he said.

Ricky said this registration was to make coalition partners, which had been submitted which prioritized the Advanced Indonesia Coalition.

"However, it is still possible to form a coalition with other parties," he said.

North Sumatra Gerindra Party Treasurer Meriwati Amelia said her party was accompanying Bobby Nasution, who is a party cadre who officially registered on May 20, 2024.

"For this reason, we are obliged to accompany cadres who register in parties that are prioritized by coalition parties," he said.

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