JAKARTA - The Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the DKI Jakarta Golkar Party started a political safari by visiting political parties (parpol) who passed the 2024 Pilleg of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

The first political party that Golkar visited was PKS. Golkar visited the DKI Jakarta PKS Regional Leadership Council (DPW) office on Tuesday, May 14.

"Yesterday it was actually a normal thing. Political gathering, Golkar is planning a political gathering for all parties. Starting from the 02 non-coalition party," said DPD Secretary Golkar DKI Jakarta Basri Baco to reporters, Tuesday, May 21.

Baco admitted that the meeting, which was wrapped in halalbihalal, could not be separated from political discussion. In particular, the plan to nominate candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta in the 2024 Pilkada.

The reason PKS was the first to be visited was because the party bearing the sickle and rice logo was the winner of the 2024 Legislative Election in Jakarta.

PKS received the most votes with 18 seats in the DKI DPRD in the period 2024-2029. PKS shifted the position of PDIP from the winner of the 2019 Legislative Election.

Meanwhile, in the 2024 DKI DPRD Legislative Election, Golkar received 10 seats or an increase of 4 seats from the 2019-2024 period.

"He's the winner of the election in Jakarta. So, it's a good idea for us to host first, right to the winner of the election. We respect those who win," said Baco.

Moreover, despite having different coalitions in the 2024 presidential election, Baco assessed that Golkar and PKS have party ideologies that are still related. Thus, Baco hopes that these two parties can work together in building Jakarta if they later form a coalition or not.

"With PKS, we also convey that Golkar is a religious and nationalist party, not only nationalist. So, it's the same, with PKS which we consider a religious party," Baco explained.

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