BENGKULU - The Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot) has budgeted IDR 20 million from the 2024 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) to print a third phase parking ticket.

"According to information from the Bengkulu City Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Rp. 20 million for parking attendant ticket budgets," said Head of the Bengkulu City Communication and Information Service (Kominfo) Gita Gama Raniputera as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 20.

With this budget, the third phase of parking ticket for the Bengkulu City Ri parking attendant has now been included in the printed process and will be distributed soon.

He said that every parking attendant must provide a ticket and wear a parking mark vest, if it is not used, the public is allowed not to pay parking fees or free of charge.

For this reason, parking attendants and people in Bengkulu City can understand if the jukir does not provide parking tickets and his party appeals to withdraw parking fees sincerely.

"But with a situation like this, the solution with no ticket is still being asked by the parking attendant to withdraw sincerely," said Gita.

Previously, the Head of the Bengkulu City Bapenda, Eddyson, emphasized that parking attendants are required to provide retribution tickets to vehicle owners and if they are not given, the public is allowed not to pay.

This is done in accordance with law number 1 of 2022 and derivative of Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 1 of 2024.

The derivative regional regulation has been ratified by the House of Representatives (DPR), the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri, Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), and the Bengkulu Provincial Government parking fees in Bengkulu City have increased.

As for two-wheeled vehicles which were previously Rp. 1 thousand to Rp. 2,000, four-wheeled vehicles that were previously Rp. 2,000 increased by Rp. 3 thousand and six-wheeled vehicles or more were charged with parking costs of Rp. 10 thousand to Rp. 16 thousand.

Meanwhile, with the increase in parking retribution rates in Bengkulu City, his party distributed parking attendant equipment such as a Task Order (SPT), vests, hats and new tickets to be handed over when the new tariff was officially applied to 700 parking attendants from 12 zones in the area.

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