The Indonesian Navy's Joint Team succeeded in thwarting an attempt to smuggle marine lane drugs from Tawau, Malaysia by securing 142 grams of crystal methamphetamine at Sawmill Sebatik Traditional Port, North Kalimantan. Jum'at (17/5).

"This failure to smuggle narcotics is a form of the seriousness of the Indonesian Navy in the context of eradicating drug trafficking in Indonesia, especially those that enter through the territorial waters of the RI-Malaysia border," said Commander of Lantamal XIII First Admiral TNI Deni Herman in Tarakan, quoted by Antara, Saturday.

Danlantamal XIII emphasized that it should always increase vigilance and massively in the implementation of patrols in order to maintain the stability of security from all forms of violations of the law in Indonesia's border waters Malaysia.

The process of thwarting drug smuggling occurred during the implementation of security and inspection at Sawmill Traditional Port, Sebatik by the Indonesian Navy's Joint Team.

During the examination, an unknown person was seen behaving suspiciously carrying a backpack.

After an examination by a joint team of the Indonesian Navy on the backpack that was carried, three clear plastic packages of medium size contained white crystals suspected of being methamphetamine were found.

The suspected courier is a man with the initials WP (25) who lives in West Tarakan.

The taxpayer admitted that he was ordered by his colleague with the initials AD domicile Malaysia, to depart from Tawau, Malaysia with a backpack containing methamphetamine to Sebatik in exchange for 500 Ringgit Malaysia.

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