JAKARTA - Two books by Teguh Santosa entitled "Bad Peace, Good War" and "Buldozer from Palestine" are now completing the Digital Reading Corner at the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) office at the Press Council Building, Jalan Kebun Sirih, Central Jakarta, Friday 17 May.

The two books containing Teguh's interview with the ambassador of friendly countries in Jakarta were handed over by the author to PWI Secretary General Sayid Islandar.

Both books were launched on July 30 last year at Jaya Suprana School of Performing Arts and recorded the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) as a book containing interviews with the ambassadors of the most friendly countries.

"This book records various global political problems from the perspective of dozens of countries representing all continuants. From tension after tension that leads to war, as well as various joint efforts to develop and improve the quality of cooperation between nations and countries," said Teguh who is also a lecturer on international relations at the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hihayatullah in Jakarta.

The former Head of the Central PWI Foreign Sector (2013-2018) and former member of the Central PWI Honorary Council (2018) hopes that the two books he submitted can add to the benefits and insight of readers in understanding the dynamics of global politics in which Indonesia is one of the important entities in it.

PWI Secretary General Sayid Iskandar, who received the two books, expressed his gratitude for the attention given by Teguh in the PWI literacy improvement program.

"God willing, this book will be useful for all of us, especially members and administrators of PWI," said Sayid.

In addition to Teguh's "Bad Peace, Good War" and another "Buldozer from Palestine" is "In the Amu Darya Bank" which is a response from the border of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan ahead of the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in 2001.

At that time, Teguh, who is now leading the Indonesian Cyber Media Network (JMSI), tried to reach Kabul from the north, to be precise, the city of Termez, which is on the banks of the Amu Darya River, which separates Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.

Teguh's efforts to penetrate Kabul were hampered because the bridge connecting the two countries had not been opened. However, from the edge of Amu Darya, Teguh recorded another perspective of the ongoing tension.

Like the two books submitted to Pojok Read Digital PWI, the report book from the edge of Amu Darya was also published by Booknesia Publishing House, a member of IKAPI.

While studying Master's degree at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), in 2008 Teguh was also actively involved in publishing books from the dissertation of Annwas Soetoro. The book was published by Issuance of Mizan with the title "The Archipelago Iron Pendekar".

Obama's younger brother, Maya Soetoro, specifically asked Teguh to accompany Prof. Alice

Together with Dandhy Dwi Laksono, who is now known as a documentary producer, Teguh has also written a book entitled "Commission I" which discusses various international issues, intelligence, and security defenses.

Currently Teguh is compiling a book he gave the title "A inch of God's Land."

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