TANAH DATAR - The Padang Basarnas Office in Tanah Datar, West Sumatra, released the latest number of victims who died due to the cold lava flood in Mount Marapi in West Sumatra, Wednesday, May 15. The total number of victims who have died who have been found is 59 people, 16 are still being sought.
Of the 59 people, 23 of them are from Agam, 27 are in Tanah Datar, two are from Padang Panjang, two are from Padang, and five are in the identification process.
"Until tonight, we have evacuated 59 victims who died," said Head of Basarnas Padang Abdul Malik, Wednesday night.
According to Abdul Malik, 16 victims are still being searched. "There are 16 people who have been reported that they have not been found. The search process will continue in accordance with the emergency response rules that have been set," said Abdul Malik.
The majority of victims came from the foot area of Mount Marapi in Agam. The worst areas, namely Canduang District and Puar River. Meanwhile, in Tanah Datar, the districts worst affected were Rambatan and Koto.
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