Director General of Horticulture of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Prihasto Setyanto, said that all echelons I had received gold pins as a sign of receiving the title of Unqualified (WTP). However, it turns out that the gold pin was purchased from the derivatives.

The confession began when the Public Prosecutor (JPU) asked whether or not there was a gold pin to echelon I officials at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Then related, the witness during his tenure as Director General of Horticulture never received a pin? Because, we also received evidence from witnesses... " asked the prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 15.

"Ever," replied Prihasto.

Prihasto said that the awarding of the gold pin as a marker of the WTP predicate had been obtained by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture.

The pin was distributed directly by the former Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono who is now one of the defendants.

"Can you explain what pin? And why did the witness return it?" asked the prosecutor.

"So we got the gold pin," replied Prihasto.

"What Pin is it?" asked the prosecutor.

"WTP," replied Prihasto.

"Pin WTP?" said the prosecutor.

"Yes, pin WTP. We got the gold pin which at that time was immediately distributed by the Secretary General (Kasdi Subagyono) to us," replied Prihasto.

Prihasto explained that the gold pin was apparently distributed to all echelon I officials at the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. The award is called in 2022.

"So we distributed the gold pin so that it is used as a symbol that we have, what, WTP for the umpteenth time," said Prihasto.

"When did he give it?" asked the prosecutor.

"If I'm not mistaken in 2022, if I'm not mistaken," answered Prihasto.

"That's what accepts other than who witnesses? All..?" asked the prosecutor.

"All echelons I," replied Prihasto.

Prihasto admitted that the gold pin he received was returned to investigators and is now used as evidence in this corruption case. It is said that the gold pin obtained with echelon I was purchased using a joint venture.

"Why did the witness return it to the investigator at that time?" asked the prosecutor.

"Because this is evidence and we got information, it turns out that to make the pin there is sharing from each echelon I," answered Prihasto.

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