Police officers said the incident of a jumbo-sized hot air balloon that exploded and caught fire injuring a number of teenagers in Muneng Village, Ponorogo, East Java, was in the criminal realm.

"We will carry out an investigation, who made it, who funded and who was involved, both in the manufacturing process, flight efforts until this incident occurred this morning," said Balong Police Chief, AKP Agus Wibowo, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 14.

The police have collected evidence from the incident, including balloon axes, paper used for firecrackers, firecrackers that have not exploded and balloon plastic.

"So we have reported it to the Resort Police, and we will follow up," he said.

So far, his party has collected data on residents or youths who have been involved in the air balloon flight, including the origin of balloon manufacturing funding.

However, he has not stated how many people have been included in the investigation.

"We are still data and exploring for all children who participate directly or not in flying balloons," he said.

According to him, when conducting a crime scene investigation after the hot air balloon exploded, the police found an attempt to eliminate evidence by burning it.

"It is suspected that there was an attempt to eliminate evidence, as evidenced by the burning of a falling balloon and we found the burning point," said Agus.

The police chief also ensured that if all the evidence and the completeness of the evidence were fulfilled, it was not impossible that the incident would immediately enter the criminal realm.

"Moreover, the Resort Police and the Sector Police have intensified the socialization of the ban on flying hot air balloons," he said.

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